

如果我在沒有通知的情況下辭職會怎樣? 根據正常的公司規則,如果您在沒有通知期的情況下離開工作,您將不得不支付剩余天數的工資......例如 - 假設您在 15 日離開,那麼從 15 日到 3 日的工資你將不得不償還給公司......如果你不同意,他們可以提交 FIR 反…

What businesses are booming righ...

What businesses are booming right now? With the rise of technology, for instance, you'll probably have more success starting a virtual assistant business than opening a grocery store....Here's our list of the most profitable small business…

Can my 3D printer catch fire?

Can my 3D printer catch fire? 3D Printers are at risk of catching fire because they use power to produce heat. If your printer overheats or malfunctions, it could quickly start a fire, and if you aren't prepared to contain the fire, you co…